The first thing we learn from his much-hyped talk to the Nation is that it only applies to England. The Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly (and probably the Northern Irish Assembly) are continuing with their own lockdown rules. Continue reading Boris Has Spoken. And His Long Awaited Address Provides . . . . More Confusion!
All articles by Keith
Vaccine-mediated Viral Interference. This is Truly Shocking.
Continue reading Vaccine-mediated Viral Interference. This is Truly Shocking.
Check Your Epidemic Knowledge with this Quick Multi-Choice Quiz.
Check at least one answer to each of the ten questions below. Insert your email, click the last box box as appropriate, and finally click SUBMIT. Continue reading Check Your Epidemic Knowledge with this Quick Multi-Choice Quiz.
Dr Wittkowski and Immunity From the Common Cold.
My email correspondence started with a very interesting video by someone who is neither an Epidemiologist nor any kind of Medic. Titled 80% Cannot Catch Covid, the video, now sadly taken down, Continue reading Dr Wittkowski and Immunity From the Common Cold.
What Should We be Doing Now?
In brief, start moving to the Swedish model right away. Precise timing for easing different restrictions must obviously be decided, but we should literally begin the process tomorrow. All of the evidence and scientific opinion featured on this site leads to a Continue reading What Should We be Doing Now?
What is Your Real Chance of Dying? It’s Much Less than You Think.
Right from the start of the Coronavirus story, there have been fearful predictions of the death rate. This is why even healthy under 65’s are scared of what may happen to them. Continue reading What is Your Real Chance of Dying? It’s Much Less than You Think.
Dr. Wittkowski Tracks Down the Errors that Caused the Lockdown.
Dr Knut Wittkowski has found the errors in Prof. Ferguson’s calculations; the calculations with inflated numbers that started the Corona Panic. Ferguson has never been open, Continue reading Dr. Wittkowski Tracks Down the Errors that Caused the Lockdown.
Even Epidemiologists get Caught Up in the Hysteria? Here’s the Proof.
After getting depressed by hundreds of irrational comments on the Facebook page attached to this site, I thought I’d put a post on the Epidemiologist’s Facebook Page, Continue reading Even Epidemiologists get Caught Up in the Hysteria? Here’s the Proof.
Why Sweden vs Norway Tells Us so Little, and Other Interesting Statistics
It’s virtually required just now that people point to Sweden as insane, because Norway has a lower death rate. It’s true that Norway has only 0.039 of a death per thousand of population, while Sweden has 0.263. Continue reading Why Sweden vs Norway Tells Us so Little, and Other Interesting Statistics