Letter from America. The Other Story Behind the New York Headlines.

Read this letter from the Speaker of the House of Pennsylvania, Mike Turzai, to get a sense of how things are really panning out in the USA. And note that virtually all of it also applies in Britain.

Sadly, 3,106 of our citizens have died due to Covid-19. The average age of those that have passed away is 79 years old.

To date, of these 3,106 deaths, 2,108 of these persons lived in nursing homes, personal care homes and assisted living residences. That means 67.9% those who have died lived in these types of settings.

According to the Hospital and Health System Association of Pennsylvania (HAP), citing Pennsylvania Department of Health statistics, there are 37,000 beds in Pennsylvania hospitals.

As of today, 2,572 of these beds were occupied by Covid-l9 patients, which amounts to 6.95%.

There are only 539 patients in the hospitals on ventilators, which amounts to 1.46% of all hospital beds.

Hence, we chopped our proverbial head off to deal with a very defined and isolated problem. As I’ve chronicled, there’s nothing unique about Pennsylvania. This is the story of nearly every state, where 95%-100% of deaths were in nursing homes or among those with several underlying conditions, and the median age of death was either at or above life expectancy.

We knew from day one from clear studies of the Diamond Princess ship in early February that this was a problem almost exclusively for the elderly and those with three or four very specific ailments. All of our resources needed to be used to protect that vulnerable population in a targeted and strategic approach, as we do with nearly every public policy problem. Even after this became apparent, two to three weeks into the crisis, the politicians doubled down on failure and tyranny and are doing so to this day.

Our governments destroyed our entire country under the guise of caring about lives while they left the nursing homes vulnerable. We didn’t even kill the proverbial ant after using the nuclear bomb! We didn’t err on the side of caution; we erred on the side of obliteration. Now they are planning to do this intermittently in the future for viruses of even lower magnitude.

Remember the “15 days to flatten the curve” and ensure that hospitals weren’t overrun? Well, outside New York City, they never even came close to being full, and now they are ghost towns – nearly two months into this insanity that governors refuse to end. Minnesota destroyed its economy and health care system for an epidemic in which over 80% of the fatalities were in nursing homes and 99.24% had underlying conditions. The country now faces up to 30% unemployment. The lockdown has flattened nothing but society, liberty, and livelihoods.

Our grandparents fought two superpowers through the worst circumstances and not only kept the country running, but grew it to new heights. After all, they were the descendants of George Washington’s army that fought the Revolution during a smallpox epidemic.

If these acts of national heroism made them the Greatest Generation, what do these governmental acts of illogical, immoral, and illegal self-immolation make our generation?

This article was written by Keith