All articles by Keith

Comparing our Crisis to a War is Fine – Just so Long as You Follow Through on the Logic.

The media have frequently compared the Covid19 situation to a war. In war we must all make sacrifices. And a common battle cry in this particular war is “One death is one too many.” Continue reading Comparing our Crisis to a War is Fine – Just so Long as You Follow Through on the Logic.

Some Much Needed Light Relief – Humour from an Ex-Pat in Spain.

Once upon a time, when travel was still allowed, I checked into a small hotel in back-of-beyond Extremadura, in south-west Spain. The receptionist asked for my passport, I searched my pockets in vain, went to look in the car and then remembered that I’d left it on the table at home. Continue reading Some Much Needed Light Relief – Humour from an Ex-Pat in Spain.