You didn’t study Epidemiology in School, and it’s never been a subject of interest to you since; but in the present situation it’s something we all need to know about. The science is not that difficult to follow. Continue reading Epidemiology for Dummies – What You Ought to Know.
All articles by Keith
The Financial Times asked: “Will the Lockdown CAUSE 150,000 Extra Deaths?” The Government’s Answer is Alarming.
This question goes way back to 20th April. The FT were quoting an anonymous Minister, who said that a paper produced by a Cabinet Subcommittee “suggested that the level of avoidable deaths could be as high as 150,000.” Continue reading The Financial Times asked: “Will the Lockdown CAUSE 150,000 Extra Deaths?” The Government’s Answer is Alarming.
Dr John Lee. Ten Reasons to End the Lockdown Now. (with 9th July update)
(Update at bottom)
While the mainstream media have generally done little more than boost fear on a daily basis, the Spectator magazine has often published far more reasoned material. Their latest contribution puts things so well that we reproduce their entire article below: Continue reading Dr John Lee. Ten Reasons to End the Lockdown Now. (with 9th July update)
MUST WATCH Interview with New York ICU Nurse
Unnecessary deaths in New York hospitals would explain the death toll there, which is massively higher than anywhere else in … More MUST WATCH Interview with New York ICU Nurse
New Research: You Probably have to be VERY, VERY sick to die of Covid19.
A new study of thousands of hospitalized coronavirus patients in the New York City area, the epicenter of the outbreak in the United States, has found that nearly all of them had at least one major chronic health condition, and most — 88 percent — had at least two.
Continue reading New Research: You Probably have to be VERY, VERY sick to die of Covid19.
Norwegian Health Authority Report. This is Explosive!
Norway has been hailed as almost the ultimate example of a successful lockdown which controlled the disease. Now the Norwegian Health Authority has released a sixty-page report on what really happened. Continue reading Norwegian Health Authority Report. This is Explosive!
What’s Really Happening in China? It Matters a Lot to Us.
Before you read further, if you haven’t already, please read the Dummies Guide to Epidemiology (here) and be sure you understand the three key elements – Continue reading What’s Really Happening in China? It Matters a Lot to Us.
Prof Giesecke from Sweden Lances it in the Lancet.
Prof Johan Giesecke is the former Swedish state Epidemiologist and an adviser to the WHO. This is taken from a shorter version of his Lancet article published in the Spectator here. The words are Giesecke’s, the emphases are mine. Continue reading Prof Giesecke from Sweden Lances it in the Lancet.
US Centre for Disease Control Admits Covid19 is a “Severe Flu”
The Centre for Disease Control (CDC) in the USA has admitted quietly on its own Facebook Page that Covid19 is a “high severity flu.” Continue reading US Centre for Disease Control Admits Covid19 is a “Severe Flu”
UK Government Double Counts Covid Cases
You really couldn’t make this up! Reported first in the Telegraph, the bizarre fact is that where people have had both a nose and a throat swab test, they are counted as two cases. Continue reading UK Government Double Counts Covid Cases